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Final Newsletter (Boys): Summer Term 2020

Dear Respected Parents and Pupils

Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu.

I pray you are in the best of health and imaan.

It is easy for us to look back on the past months as a time of terrible calamity. A cursed time. A time that none of us will forget.

As Muslims, we are reminded not to curse ‘time’:

Our Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) said: “Do not curse time for Allah is time’’ - Sahih Muslim.

Believing that the World is as Allah intended it to be and that diseases, such as Covid 19, are from Allah helps us understand that we are not living in a cursed time; or the worst of times to be alive. Allah is time.

Many of us have been deeply affected by the virus. Some of us have been seriously ill. Some of us have lost loved ones and we continue to worry about our own health and that of our loved ones. This is our current reality.

It is not unusual to feel as though our children have ‘lost’ precious learning time - but the reality is that they have spent their time differently and experienced a different form of learning.

It is a time for us to practice great patience and humility. Together. To remind each other of the importance of gratitude for all the blessings that Allah has bestowed upon us - however large, however small. It is a time for us to reflect on what is of real importance and has real meaning in our lives.

Allah keeps his promises:

‘I will surely test you..’ - And; He has tested us and is continuing to do so. May we all learn and grow throughout this time and continue to strive to be human beings with integrity, kinder, more caring - like the example set by our beloved Messenger (sallallahu alayhi wasallam).

Our children will catch up with their missed studies, Insha’Allah. But, we are hopeful that our children will also be more resilient and have developed greater taqwa.

As we emerge, venturing once again from our homes to meet our wider families and friends; to go to work - remember to take care and stay safe.

We give thanks to Allah for our Islamic School and our Community which supports us. Ameen.

From all my colleagues, I wish you all a peaceful and enjoyable break.

Suhayl Lee

Exec. Principal

Al Risalah Boys’ School

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